IP monetisation

If the IP strategy is revised, it may be beneficial to (sell) IP rights.


Advice on the purchase and sale of intellectual property rights

If the IP strategy is revised or if some internal circumstances change, it may be advisable to buy or sell IP rights.

Our patent attorneys provide comprehensive advice on strategically sensible decisions around the monetisation of intellectual property, especially in an international context.

Sale of IP rights

We conscientiously accompany you in the sale of IP rights that do not add value to your business.

Portfolio expansion

You want to expand your IP portfolio with the purchase of IP rights? We can advise you on your options.

Legal aspects

When monetising IP rights, there are many legal aspects to consider, which our lawyers will explain to you.

Stefan Schinkinger

Your contact

Stefan Schinkinger

Patent attorney

Dr. rer. nat., M.A. (UT Austin) Physics

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